Water makes up about 65 percent of the mass of a human body yet the body continually loses water. In many situations the limit of endurance is set by the availability of drinking water.
In hot environments human survival depends critically on the availability of drinking water. In any environment water is essential. Without water, the average person will die within two weeks, and if the weather is very warm or the person is working hard, survival may be limited to only two or three days.
The Aquadome Solar Still provides a continuous supply of water over long periods. The human body gains heat from the environment by conduction from contiguous ground, by convection from warm air, by radiation from the sun and ground and as a product of internal physiological processes. The excess heat is dispersed through evaporative cooling by perspiration. The cooling process is achieved through the loss of body water. Losses also occur through respiration and urination.
This loss of water must be made good. Failure to make good the loss results in progressive dehydration and eventual death.